Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reflection Entry 5

My reflection entry is more about the process of using constructivism for this class than about my comments on resources. I guess I am just not sure how this is going to work. I am nervous about this first chapter because I have no idea as to what its supposed to look like. I don't like not knowing things, but its something I'm working on! In addition, it can be difficult at times to coordinate with other people as well, especially if you all have different schedules. I think that the concept of this class is great, because it makes sense to tie both constructivism and technology together. I also look forward to the final product. I was sharing with some of my coworkers about this class, and they want to read the book that we create as well. I know it will all work out though and can't wait to see our work paid off at the end.

Resource Log


This is a paper from 1995 on the role technology plays in a constructivist setting.


The pages on this site define constructivism and explain characteristics of constructivist learning and teaching.


This site explains how computers and constructivism and computers are related and how they can benefit each other.


This is a paper on a website that describes constructivism and breaks it up into two dimensions.


Reflection Entry 4


This is from a paper written in 1995 on the integration of technology in constructivism. I found this paper interesting because it discussed back then the shift that was occurring with the use of technology and how constructivist ideas were changing education. Technology in schools continue to grow. With my ActivBoard that I get next week, that will definitely change my teaching, and will hopefully make learning for my students more engaging. Not only that, but I hope that the interactive things that I can do with the board will make the learning more hands on for my students.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Resource Log

Project Construct National Center. (2008). Project construct: The early childhood framework for curriculum and assessment. Columbia, MO: Project Construct National Center.

This is a book that describes how to implement Project Construct, which is all about constructivism.


This is their website.

Reflection Entry 3

I had never heard of Project Construct prior to last year when my coworkers were going to a conference for it and were presenting. It definitely sparked my interest and I wanted to know more about it. The goal of Project Construct is to"help teachers foster the development of each child as an autonomous individual. Autonomy refers to the ability of individuals to be self-governing--socially, morally, and intellectually--in the context of relationships with others" (Project Construct Early Childhood Framework). I think that it is a great idea because by doing this truly helps children function in the real world when they get older. They need to be able to think themselves and decide between right and wrong, and what is true and not true. By learning this in school, the child will better be able to do it as an adult if they were doing it all along.

Reflection Entry 2

Several of my coworkers are Project Construct instructors and shared some of their resources with me. Among those resources was a list of 12 descriptors of constructivist teaching practices. One descriptor that I found particularly interesting was that "Constructivist teachers allow student response to drive lessons, shift instructional strategies, and alter content." As I read this I thought about my own instruction and how I may or may not seize the teachable moments. As a second year teacher, I spent the first year figuring out the curriculum, and am now trying to make it my own, but also keep in mind the teachable moments that arise. I think that as time goes on it does and hopefully will become more natural, but I know that I do it without thinking about it so much.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Resource Log


This is another site that defines constructivism with a technological twist. I found it interesting.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Resource Log


This is a website on Constructivism that explains it pretty well.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Resource Log

Alonso, F., Lopez, G., Manrique, D., & Vines, J. (2008, November 1). Learning Objects, Learning Objectives and Learning Design. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(4), 389-400. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ813828) Retrieved January 19, 2009, from ERIC database.

This is an article that defines constructivism and also explains a method of teaching.

Reflection Entry 1

Today I read an article on Webquests. For one of my technology classes during my undergrad I had to design a webquest. I choose to do one on Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights movement. It was a daunting task to create and find sites, make rubrics, and make sure that it was on the reading level of my students. However, when I executed the webquest on my students, it was great watching them take responsibility for their own learning. I think that it is a great experience for students to have even though it takes a lot of time on the part of the teacher.

Resource Log

Halat, E. (2008, January 1). A Good Teaching Technique: WebQuests. Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 81(3), 109-112. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ785442) Retrieved January 19, 2009, from ERIC database.

This article is about using webquests and having students create their own learning.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Question 1: What is your reaction to the course overview?

I am interested to see how this course goes. I had to read the overview a couple of times to make sure I understood what I was getting myself into. However, I am looking forward to the knowledge that I will gain after taking this class.

Question 2: How do you feel about a 100% constructivist and collaborative course?

I like being able to build my own knowledge, but am weary of working with partners. I hope that as long as everyone does their fair share then it should be a very positive experience. I also think it will be neat to see how it works and what I could do to apply it to my own classroom.

Question 3: How do you feel about publishing your learning on wikis and blogs?

I have never published my learning before, so actually I am kind of excited to see how it all works.