Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reflection Entry 15

This website describes assessment in a constructivist classroom using Brooks and Brooks. It explains the principles of a constructivist teacher. The principle that stood out to me the most was that "Constructivist teachers encourage students to engage in dialogue both with the teacher and with one another." This situation reminds me of how I run my class meetings. I notice the students talking to me instead of each other. This has improved significantly over the course of the year, and that has been a goal of mine for the students to engage in more conversation with each other.

1 comment:

  1. I have read lots of research that commented on the use of active dialogue in the constructivist classroom too. I thought that it was a very interesting strategy and I'd like to use active dialogue more in my classroom. Also, the assessment site you mentioned sounds very interesting. I'll have to go check it out.
